Setting Windows’ Time Service’s Update Frequency

There are some instances when it is desirable to change the default interval between synchronizations by the Windows Time Service (i.e. NTP). For instance, I recently encountered a computer where the clock would run a few seconds fast each day (it was not a battery problem), for a quick fix, it was easy to simply have the… Continue reading Setting Windows’ Time Service’s Update Frequency

Setting the timezone on PHP

Versions of PHP after 5.10 include the date.timezone directive in php.ini. Many applications which reference time need this directive to be set. A list of accepted values can be found at: The timezone is set as a quoted string, with no delimiter at the end, for example: date.timezone = “Continent/City” The location of the… Continue reading Setting the timezone on PHP

Time on AWS Linux AMI

The time on the Amazon Linux AMI is set, by default to UTC. To change this, symlink one of the timezone files from /usr/share/zoneinfo/ to /etc/localtime. The change takes effect immediately (and will also affect most logs, etc). For example: ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/EST5EDT /etc/localtime To make the change persist through updates, it is necessary to… Continue reading Time on AWS Linux AMI