Update: Current versions of Amazon’s Linux AMI include the package php-pecl-apc
(v3.1.9 – the same as the latest from PECL) in the repository. Using a package manager is usually preferable to using PECL- it will help you keep up to date, is centrally managed, and minimizes unnecessary dependencies (especially build tools). APC can be installed from yum via:
yum install php-pecl-apc
Definitely drove me crazy for a bit – installing APC through PECL fails, and it won’t install through yum either (for me, this was true trying to use the apc-beta, and with compiling from source). To install, first install pcre-devel
, gcc
, and make
sudo yum install pcre-devel sudo pecl install apc-beta
If everything works out, enable APC by adding it to the PHP configuration:
echo "extension=apc.so" | sudo tee /etc/php.d/apc.ini
Finally, restart apache (or other server):
sudo service httpd restart
beside pcre-devel you mentioned, in my case, “gcc” and “make” package was needed.
Thanks for pointing that out – PECL installations compile code so those dependencies are not unexpected. This is actually quite an old post, and current versions of Amazon’s Linux AMI include the package
(v3.1.9 as of today) in the repository. I’d favour installation via yum over PECL whenever possible.