Having recently been asked about calorie usage, and following an unsuccessful online search for a table of PAR values, I have reproduced, below, one I had in my physiology notes from a few years ago. Using PAR allows a much more accurate calculation of TEE or PAL than the typically limited ‘activity levels’ (e.g. sedentary,… Continue reading Physical Activity Ratios
Category: Biology
Coding with DNA
Alright, this one isn’t quite as exciting as the title suggests. I had the need of a quick script for a bit of biology – genetics. Pretty simple stuff really, but I thought I would post it anyway. Generating random sequences of DNA function randdna($len){ $length=intval($len); $bases=array(‘A’,’C’,’G’,’T’); $dna=””; for ($i=0; $i<$length;$i++){ $dna .=$bases[mt_rand(0,3)]; } return… Continue reading Coding with DNA